Teacher strangled a student – now the student is charged

In May of this year, an incident occurred at a junior high school in a municipality in Skåne, when a teacher reprimanded a student for being loud.

It led to a fight, where the 16-year-old boy allegedly threatened to hit the teacher, and ended with the teacher strangling him, which Skånska Dagbladet was the first to report on.

The teacher claims emergency protection

In police interrogations, the teacher states that the student allegedly pushed him and that he then pushed the boy up against the lockers, in what he considers to be an emergency defense, while the boy claims that the teacher provoked him after the promise and then strangled him with one arm.

Both the teacher and the school as well as the student’s parents filed a police report. And according to the prosecutor’s evidence, three other students, who also state that the teacher strangled the student, must have seen and filmed the incident, which was also captured by the school’s surveillance cameras.

“[Läraren] strangled him against the cabinet,” says one of the witnesses in police interrogation.

“[Läraren] strangled him for like five minutes,” says another.

The student’s registration was cancelled

But despite this, the parents’ report was dismissed. And now the student is charged with threatening an official.

– It is very sad and I wonder why it is handled in that way. It is very strange, says the student’s mother to Skånska Dagbladet.

And she also believes that the son is disappointed in how the adult world has handled the incident.

– He got a scary feeling that a teacher can do whatever he wants. You must not cross the border in this way, the mother tells the newspaper.
