Teacher recruitment, Anief will present its “anti-substitute” proposals

Anief Pacifico without measures even the 150 million allocated yesterday

(Finance) – The transitional phase of school recruitment as planned by the Government and the Ministry of Education and Merit will not lead to anything good: Anief will ask at the ministerial tableand, already in the discussion scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, profound changes to the Pnrr quater decree for Parliament. “If you really want to solve the problem of job insecurity – declares Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief today – then the Meloni Government should implement a change of pace: the policies implemented so far, detached from the reality made up of almost 250,000 annual substitutes, they were unsuccessful. Without adjustments and changes to the stabilization plan in the PA, already approved by the Council of Ministers, those numbers of shame, who bring one in four substitute teachers to class every day, will continue to live”.
“We consider it really of little use – continues Pacifico – re-propose a new reserved competition and recruitments from the current provincial rankings for first-level substitutes only for support posts, as the previous Draghi government had done. For this reason, we will present precise proposals for a definitive solution also for the management of the whole transitional period and of the various insolvency rankings. Still awaiting the answers from the European Commission, the Italian government and the school administration must take responsibility for proceeding with recruitment from GPS also on the subject, restoring the dual channel to full operation, increasing the number of teaching and ATA positions by refinancing the ‘additional workforce, abolish with a special law the constraints that block transfers even in the case of vacancies. Let’s start again from here, approving these amendments to the Pnrr quater decree, otherwise the substitute will continue to advance ”, concludes Pacifico.

Tomorrow, April 12, at 3 pm, the representative unions, including Anief, will participate in a political debate on central issues such as staffing, recruitment and mobility: these are issues also concerning the decree law approved before Easter by the Council of ministers to plan the stabilization plan for staff in the PA and teachers, pending the performance of the competitions envisaged by the Pnrr. Tomorrow, therefore, as he already explained in the last meeting with the administration, the Anief will return to have his say on an operation, the tutor and guidance teacher, which if not combined with others will be almost useless. Furthermore, it is not clear why precarious teachers (one in four of the current staff used) should be excluded, who will not be able to cover the new dual role. The union will also ask for explanations on the lack of clarity on the criteria for allocating the 150 million euro fund among the various schools approved by decree a few days ago.
