Streamer Blue_Squadron has shown over 660 hours of his Black Desert adventures live on Twitch over the past 365 days. However, his main job was as a teacher in America until he was fired a few days ago. Members of his former guild had sent clips from his live streams to the school administration.
How did he lose his job? In a livestream, Blue_Squadron revealed that he had a dispute with his guild in Black Desert. He actually wanted another player to be expelled for his behavior, but ended up being expelled himself.
However, the scandal had such an impact on the guild that some decided to send what they considered to be “incorrect” Twitch clips to the school management. Until then, she didn’t know that the teacher was also a streamer in his free time.
On October 10th, Blue_Squadron was summoned to the school administration and given notice of termination. In a statement he explains:
It wasn’t anything you could call a big deal. I don’t do any NSFW content on my platform, not even remotely. However, I stream a game and the gaming community is, let’s face it, incredibly sexist and objectifies women in many ways. If I make any remark, make a comment, or even look at a character in a video game in a sexual light, it’s not necessarily appropriate for high school students (that I’ve taught).
Although the streamer has given its content an 18+ rating, everyone ignores it anyway and simply clicks away.
What was seen in the clips can no longer be understood. The streamer currently only has the most recent live stream from the day before yesterday in its archive.
Clips are often excerpts from streams taken out of context. They can take on an unexpected life of their own online.
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“You just want your parents to be proud of you.”
What else does the streamer say? The statement goes on to say that as a teacher you have to show a certain level of professionalism and respect: “If the students can see me complaining about degenerate people online, the professionalism is over and with it the respect .”
However, his behavior in the game never affected his work in the classroom:
At no time did this affect my classroom duties or responsibilities. Until about 3 days ago, no one had any idea that I was a content creator, and I was considered one of the funniest, most entertaining, and most sincere teachers in the school. No one had a clue because I never let my online gaming life affect my professional career. However, when the two worlds collided, it was doomed.
Things get particularly emotional when the streamer talks about his father. He works at the school himself and of course noticed the incident.
Blue_Squadron feels like he has disappointed him and that all you want as a child is to make your parents proud.
You can watch the corresponding clip here:
After being kicked out, he wants to become a full-time streamer
What’s next for Blue_Squadron? He revealed on Twitch that he had two options after canceling. Either look for a new job – and possibly give up streaming altogether – or work full-time as a content creator.
He chose the latter, which was very well received by his community. Looking forward to seeing more from Blue_Squadron now.
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