Teacher job-dating: 30 minutes to become a teacher?

Teacher job dating 30 minutes to become a teacher

The Versailles Academy, through a partnership with Pôle Emploi, offers job-dating, with a 30-minute interview to become a school teacher. In the second degree, a second interview is proposed, specifies the academy. Quick interviews that do not fail to make people react!

Job dating to become a teacher: the Versailles Academy creates controversy

Teachers who have completed higher education and passed competitions to become a teacher or a school teacher find themselves facing new colleagues who will have only had 30 minutes of interview during a job dating organized by the Academy of Versailles. The condition: to prove obtaining a bac +3, two years less than according to the official rules which require a master 2. The left and the teachers’ unions did not fail to react to this nonchalant selection, strongly expressing their disagreement. On his Twitter account, the SNES-FSU sees it as a way of contributing to “make our professions ever more precarious and to sell off the public service” and requires a “revaluation without compensation and not this pitiful smoke screen”. Likewise, the parents of the parents’ group “Forgotten Schools and Families” protested against this method of casting, “Indignant and angry“, they directly question the new Prime Minister Elisabeth Born and the Minister of Education Pap Ndiaye via their Twitter account, on the authorization of this hiring.

If the idea of ​​a single 30-minute interview to become a teacher arouses a media outcry, it is accompanied by other conditions … which nevertheless seem undemanding. In addition to proof of a bac +3, the Academy of Versaillescontacted by the Women’s Journalspecifies that to become a school teacher, a study of the file is also carried out following the job dating, carried out by two inspectors. A response is then given to the candidate within a maximum of fifteen days following the interview. As for obtaining a post of teacher in the second degree,an interview with an inspector and a head of establishment or HR staff is carried out. If a favorable opinion is given, then a second interview with a discipline inspector is offered to the candidate. specifies us the academy of Versailles.

Shortage of teachers: candidates are missing

This year, the number of candidates for the teacher competition has fallen sharply compared to previous years, proof that the profession attracts the young generation much less. The external mathematics capes, which has 1,035 positions, received only 816 applicants in 2022 compared to 1,706 eligible the previous year. As for German teachers, there are 83 eligible for 215 positions, or half compared to 2021. The competitions are therefore far from filling up, and the approach of the start of the school year raises fears of a lack of teachers. A vocational crisis that urgently needs to be addressed for some academies, which now use recruitment methods that are miles away from institutional protocol.

The Minister of Education on a trip to Marseille for free recruitment

In Marseille, where the Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye is due to go on June 2, 2022, it is the free recruitment of professors by the establishments themselves, which has been tested, and which will also be one of the main reasons for the visit of the President of the Republic and Pap Ndiaye to Marseille. Again, this recruitment method is not very convincing. The CGT Éduc’Action sees it as a way of clouding an entire system by promoting clientelism, and of territorializing the school. In fact, the richest municipalities could afford the best teachers, leading to educational and social inequalities.

Only 22% of teachers would recommend their job to a young person

Fatigue, anger, depression, resignation, isolation…Here are the terms that stand out when teachers talk about their profession and their mindset. After several years punctuated by the Covid-19, the teachers had to somehow adapt to the various health protocols, without feeling any real recognition and respect in their professional practice. According to a study published on May 23 and conducted by the Unsa Education union with 42,836 teachers, only 22% of them would recommend their profession to a young person. But that doesn’t mean they don’t like their job: 92% of them like the profession. However, “29% no longer find meaning in their mission, and 38% say they are ready to change jobs to the public, and 29% to the private sector” specifies the study. What should be improved according to them? Purchasing power for 68% of respondents, workload (45%), career prospects (41%) or hierarchical relations (23%). Finally, 87% disagree with the political choices and 9 out of 10 teachers believe that they are paid too little.
