Teacher chatted with 13-year-old student – loses ID

“You are the first thing I think of when I wake up”.
It is one of approximately 12,400 messages sent between a teacher and a 13-year-old student in Östergötland.
Now the teacher’s license has been revoked, reports the news agency Siren.

In February 2022, a principal in Östergötland county became aware that one of the teachers at the school had sent a large number of private messages to one of his students. When the teacher’s phone was checked, it emerged that he and the student sent around 12,400 messages to each other between the fall semester of 2021 until February 2022.

After the School Inspectorate reported the teacher to the Teachers’ Responsibility Board, they have now revoked his teaching credentials, reports Siren.

“Slim thighs”

Several of the messages have contained encouraging words for the student. Among other things, he has written that she is “the most beautiful of all” and “the first thing I think of when I wake up”. He has also written that it was “wonderful to just sit and watch her” at school.

The teacher has also sent more specific comments about the student’s appearance, such as “Good morning model beautiful you” and “skinny thighs”.

During the investigation it emerged that he had contact with three more students at the school. However, it must be the first student, referred to as “student A”, with whom the teacher has had the most diligent and in-depth contact, the decision from the Teachers’ Responsibility Board states.


The teacher has told the School Inspectorate that he understands that he went too far in “his role as a committed teacher” and that he is remorseful. Furthermore, the teacher says that he did nothing illegal and that it will not happen again.

The School Inspectorate, for its part, believes that the teacher must have been aware that his actions went against the school’s rules, values ​​and professional ethics – and meant an abuse of “student A’s” dependence on him as a teacher.
