(Finance) – The Teacher card must also be given to the annual alternates, there is no doubt. This was decided by the judges of Rome, who with a single sentence that unites individual appeals, have compensated 16,500 euros to ten teachers. On the opinion expressed by the judge, many have had a great impact guidelines of the European courts and national, all oriented towards granting the card for the annual update also for precarious workers in order not to discriminate against them and to comply with their duties right-duty.
Marcellus Pacificuspresident of the union Aniefaddressing the precarious workers who have not yet appealed, he stated “they would really do well to take into consideration that the time has come to claim a prerogative of their profession. Many courts have in fact ascertained that if practicing professional updating is a duty of the annual substitute teachers or with at least five months of service performed in a school year, access to the teacher’s card is consequently a right that cannot be overcome by a wrong law.Denying the 500 euro card per year is a real discrimination against hundreds of thousands of employees”.
For the Rome judge, “the appeal is well founded and deserves to be accepted for the reasons indicated by numerous judges on the merits”. The Court recalled the mandatory legislation the staff, even precarious, to update and the various national collective agreements which resume the same obligation. The court of Rome therefore has examined “the regulatory context” of the European Union and the “Principle of non-discrimination” on the basis of which it is established that “as regards the conditions of employment, fixed-term workers cannot be treated less favorably than comparable permanent workers simply because they have a fixed-term employment contract or relationship unless there are objective reasons”.
Finally, the same court of Rome recalled the position of the Council of State and “le rules which impose on the Administration the obligation to provide all teaching staff, without any distinction between permanent and fixed-term teachers, tools, resources and opportunities that guarantee the in-service training“, establishing that “there is no doubt that such tools should include the Teacher card“.
The union Anief is therefore aimed at all teachers of every order and degree precarious since 2016 because appeal to be assigned the 500 euros per year of the teacher’s card.