Taylor Momsen bitten by a bat during a concert. Is she at risk of catching rabies?

Taylor Momsen bitten by a bat during a concert Is

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo)

    On May 29 in Seville, Taylor Momsen was bitten by a bat during a concert. Is the singer of the group The Pretty Reckless at risk of contracting rabies? We asked the question to Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of Doctissimo.

    It’s a rather surprising scene that took place before the eyes of Taylor Momsen’s fans, during her concert in Spain on May 29.

    The singer, also known for her portrayal of Jenny Humphrey in the series Gossip Girl, was opening for the AC/DC concert when she realized that a bat was clinging to her leg. Members of his team came to his aid and the animal was finally removed. The scene, filmed, is widely relayed on social networks.

    What is Taylor Momsen at risk after being bitten by a bat?

    After being bitten, the young woman was taken to hospital once her stage performance was over. Doctors gave him preventive treatment against rabies. It is the young woman herself who confirms her treatment. “Yes, the bat bit me, so anti-rabies shots for two weeks” confirmed the young woman on Instagram.

    In fact, the rage is transmitted primarily through the saliva of an infected animal, usually through a bite or scratch that causes saliva to enter the body” confirms Dr Gérald Kierzek. The main routes of transmission are:

    • The bite of a rabid animal, penetrating the skin;
    • The scratch of a rabid animal, with the presence of infected saliva;
    • Contact of saliva from a rabid animal with mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth) or an open wound.

    On the other hand, recalls the medical director of Doctissimo, rabies “is not spread through the blood, urine or feces of an infected animal. It is also not transmitted by simple contact with the hair or fur of a rabid animal.“.

    You should also be wary of an animal that appears healthy, because “The virus can be present in the animal’s saliva several days before symptoms appear, making transmission possible.”

    What does prophylactic treatment consist of?

    For prevention, treatment must be administered immediately after exposure. “Rabies is 100% preventable by implementing post-exposure prophylaxis early after exposure to a suspected rabid animal.” further details Gérald Kierzek.

    Post-exposure prophylaxis itself includes vaccination, accompanied by the administration of an anti-rabies serum for the most severe exposures. Treatment should be carried out promptly after exposure“.

    Overall, preventive treatment includes several stages:

    • Cleaning all wounds, immediately after the bite or scratch, with soap and water for 15 minutes;
    • Careful antisepsis with wound disinfection;
    • A check of anti-tetanus immunity (recommended) as well as the implementation of antibiotic prophylaxis, in certain cases.
