Taxi, the rules change: we move on to three rates also for the Acconti

Taxi the rules change we move on to three rates

(Finance) – The rules also change for the calculation of the Irpef depositwith rates magazines in line in line with the remodeling carried out for the Irpef itself. The announced the Ministry of Economy and Finance, correcting the distortion arising from the reform of the taxman, after the interpretation of the rule contested by the CGIL.

In recent days, The CGIL and some CAFs had sent a letter to Minister Giorgetti, denouncing that “paragraph 4 of art.1 of Legislative Decree no. 216/2023 establishes that, for the Acconti Irpef requested this year during the tax return, the Four rates in force until 2023 (reduced to three starting from 2024) and the related deductions “and highlighting that” this will force employees and retirees to make payments not duethe”.

Hence the request to “intervene with the utmost urgency to repeal the aforementioned paragraph and therefore immediately operate the merger of the IRPEF rates and the application of the new deductions also for the calculation of the Acconti “, or “adopt the ‘forecast method’ which would allow taxpayers to block, or reduce, the unrelated advances, without suffering any sanction “.

The MEF assured that it will intervene “also regulatory to allow the application of the new rates of 2025 for the determination of the deposit” and that “the intervention will be carried out in time To avoid taxpayers aggravates in terms of declaration and payment “. The issue will be resolved repealing the norm.

“We are satisfied that they have defended the people who representor, inducing the government to review a deeply unfair rule. The question raised by CGIL and from CAAF CGIL National Consortium It was more than founded, “said the Confederal Secretary of the CGIL Christian Ferrari and the President of the National Consortium Caaf Cgil Monica Iviglia.

“If the words follow the deeds, and you will intervene to allow the application of the three 2025 rates for the determination of the Irpef deposit – they underline – wages and pensions of millions of towns and citizensalready heavily affected by the high inflation cumulated in these years, they will not suffer further reductions “.
