Taxi driver Ibrahim was shot dead in Gothenburg – the police appeal

Taxi driver Ibrahim was shot dead in Gothenburg the

Published: Just now

Taxi driver Ibrahim had just finished his night shift when he was shot dead with several bullets.

The perpetrator managed to escape – and now the police are appealing for tips.

– We need help, says investigation leader Göran Sundström in Viaplays “Wanted”.

full screen Taxi driver Ibrahim had just finished his night shift. Photo: Viaplay

It was on October 16, shortly after three o’clock in the morning, that Ibrahim Özkan, the father of two, finished his night shift as a taxi driver and set off for home, towards Bergsjön in Gothenburg.

The police have mapped Ibrahim’s last hours of life, but have not found anything out of the ordinary.

– He is often down by Järntorget, that is where he parked when he drove customers. He gets a short drive shortly after three o’clock and then heads home, says Göran Sundström, head of investigations for serious crimes in “Efterlyst”.

Ibrahim parked his car and had opened the trunk when an unknown assailant approached and shot him dead with several shots, according to police.

– We received several calls via SOS from people in the area who woke up from the explosion. It differs a little in number, but we have received between five and ten shots via door knocking in the area, says Göran Sundström and continues:

“The taxi meter is switched off at 03.18”

– In the car there is a taximeter that switches off at 03.18, so we know when he arrives at the scene. The trunk was open and we suspect he was tidying up the car after using it during the shift.

Despite the cold-blooded approach, the police do not believe that the murder is connected to the gang environment. Now they are appealing for tips to solve the case.

– If it is the case that someone has been waiting for Ibrahim and knows that he leaves at this time every weekend, then it could perhaps be that someone saw that the place was cleared with escape routes, or that there were cars parked in unusual places with people in them, says Göran Sundström.

– We need help.


Do you have any tips? Get in touch!

Tips for the police can be left through “Efterlyst” on phone 08-702 00 90 or via email at [email protected].

Wanted is broadcast on TV3, Viaplay and Viafree Thursdays at 8 p.m.

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full screen Police response at the scene where Ibrahim was shot dead. Photo: Joakim Eriksson/Agena Photo
