Taxi decree on Monday in CDM. Urso: “A strategic reform”

Taxi decree on Monday in CDM Urso A strategic reform

(Finance) – The taxi question is also on the table at the last Council of Ministers before the summer break. The decree on the taxi sector “which we will present on Monday in agreement with MIT opens a path of legislative reform for a strategic sector for the country” says the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso. A reform which – explains Urso – “must lead to greater efficiency and transparency also in the face of the significant growth in the influx of foreign tourists and the great challenges that await us in the coming years, from the 2025 Jubilee to the Olympics”.

“A path – underlines the Minister – which will allow Italy to aspire to become the main tourist attraction in Europe”.

On the taxis are working the Transport Minister Matteo Salvini and that of Companies and Made in Italy. On the subject last night there was a summit at the end of the CDM with Giorgia Meloni, Antonio Tajani, Raffaele Fitto, Giancarlo Giorgetti, Alfredo Mantovano and Salvini and Urso themselves.

With the decree, among other things, will be introduced the possibility for the Municipalities to issue an additional license to each holder within a predetermined period who requests it and meets the requirements. It will also be allowed to release temporary additional licenses po increase the service on the occasion of particular events (such as the Jubilee) and the mechanism of double guides will be simplified.

There are also further concessions for the purchase of electric or hybrid vehicles.
