Taxi and car in collision after police chase – several injured

The passenger car collided with the taxi in Hornstull on Södermalm in central Stockholm.

– It was at 19:32 just south of town that the police started a pursuit of the car. The police make a decision to stop the pursuit at Kungsholmen and shortly after that the car collides with a taxi in Hornstull, says police spokesperson Daniel Wikdahl.

Two people who were in the taxi will be taken to hospital.

– The people in the car are arrested and they are taken to hospital, says Daniel Wikdahl and continues:

– The passenger in the car has been detained and will be taken in for questioning.

The police tell TV4 Nyheterna that the suspicions that currently apply are gross negligence in traffic and gross causing bodily harm.

– We have no ID on the one person in the car. The other is a 45-year-old man.
