(Finance) – “We believe that the intervention on the tax wedge cut is fundamental, we have too high a tax wedge, 46.5%. There is a band, the one under 35 thousand euros, that is suffering, we have to put more money in our pockets. “This was stated by the president of Confindustria Carlo Bonomi in Bari during the annual meeting of Confindustria Bari-Bat urging “A shocking intervention, 16 billion are needed, two thirds for employees and one third for companies. It means putting 1200 euros more in the pocket of workers”.
“Right now you have fewer resources than the previous government, they must all be used to get out of the energy crisis, to help them businesses and households “Bonomi said.
On the PNRR: “What’s the point of buying three thousand electric buses if we don’t know how many Italian companies produce electric buses? What is the point of talking about sustainability and taking electric buses when we need raw materials that are excavated in Africa by exploiting children? This is the sustainability we want ? “, urges the number one of the Industrialists. “We do not want to undermine the PNRR, on the contrary we want it to be spent and spent well. But we send 170 billion from here to 2026 and are we unable to create jobs? “.