Tax scrapping: 4.6 billion collected in 11 months

Tax last hours to join the two year preventive composition agreement

(Finance) – The scrapping of tax bills, which allows you to settle debts with the tax authorities without having to pay fines or late payment interest, it continues to gain approval among Italians. According to the final report of theformer director of the Revenue Agency, Ernesto Maria Ruffinithis measure paid off 4.6 billion in the first 11 months of last year and 31.6 billion in the last 8 years.

There Alloy has already requested the reopening of the provision, which could return in the form of an amendment to the Milleproroghe decree. It would be the fifth version of scrapping, but it remains uncertain whether the proposal will find space in the regulatory framework. Meanwhile, it was introduced an increase in payment installments: Tax bills can now be settled in a maximum of 84 monthly installments (7 years) via a simple online request, an initiative promoted by the Deputy Minister of Economy Maurizio Leo.

Also VAT numbers benefit from concessions thanks to an amendment by the Leaguewhich granted an extension for the payment of Irpef, Ires and Irap. By January 16th, approximately 300,000 taxpayers with incomes up to 170,000 euros they will have to pay the amount due in a single payment or in five installments from January to May 2025.
