Tax, Revenue Agency: Monday 23 September deadline for the 5th installment of the scrapping

Tax goodbye to files and 320 thousand checks in a

(Finance) – TheRevenue Agency he recalled that Monday 23 September is the last day available for the payment from the fifth installment of the Scrappage-quater. The Agency also specified that in the event of a payment not made, made after the deadline or of an amount lower than theexpected amount“the law provides for the loss of the benefits of the simplified definition and what has already been paid will be considered as an advance on the debt residue“.

The deadline for the fifth installment of the Scrappage-quarteroriginally scheduled for July 31st, was postponed from Legislative Decree no. 108/2024 to September 15, but payments made by September 23, 2024 will be considered timely in consideration of the grace days provided by law.

Finally, the Revenue Agency-Collection reminded that taxpayers who are up to date with previous installments must use the form of payment attached to the Communication of the sums due which reports the deadline of 31 July 2024.
