Tax return: only a few days left to correct it!

Tax return only a few days left to correct it

TAX DECLARATION. You have until Wednesday, December 15 to correct your tax return. Here’s how to do it.

[Mis à jour le 10 décembre 2021 à 07h45] Do you belatedly realize that you skipped an element in your last tax return: a tax credit? An allowance? Deferred income? A dependent? Note that you still have the possibility to correct your declaration on the website of taxes. Log in to your personal space using your tax identifier, which you can find on your last tax notice, and your password. Then click on the online declaration correction service from your dashboard. Don’t wait any longer to make your final touch-ups: the deadline has been set for Wednesday, December 15. Remember that any income declared late and subject toincome tax may be subject to a sanction from the tax administration. You expose yourself to an increase in your tax. So remember to attach a note to your correction, to clarify your situation. Despite the withholding tax, the tax declaration remains essential. It calculates the total amount of income tax owed by the taxpayer for the tax year. In view of what it has already paid via withholding tax, the tax authorities establish the amount of any tax balance. The declaration period usually takes place in the spring. Tax households then receive their tax notice at the end of July. The payment date is set in September.

The opening date of the tax return is in the spring, in April. The deadlines depend on how you declare and your department number. They run from mid-May to early June. Taxpayers then receive their tax notice at the end of July. The payment date is set for mid-September.

The majority of taxpayers report online. Only taxpayers who still receive the paper form can report with the form. The latter is reserved for people who have no Internet connection and / or who are not able to complete the declaration on the Internet (we are thinking in particular of the elderly). The tax administration has updated the dedicated page to the declarative campaign forms. Got your brushes tangled? Here is an example of the different existing forms:

  • Form 2042 K: this is the main form of the income tax return
  • Form 2042 K Auto: this is the automatic tax return, pre-filled with information already known to the tax authorities.
  • Form 2042 RICI: this is the declaration that you must complete in addition for reductions and tax credits
  • Form 2042 C: this is the additional declaration in which the income from movable property appears in particular.
  • Form 2042 C Pro: declaration of self-employed professions
  • Form 2042 IOM: for overseas investments (Girardin law).
  • Form 2044: for property income.

Young worker, student … The reporting period also concerned you! Wondering if you should report your income this year? Do not panic ! As a reminder, you are required to complete an income tax return, at 18 years old as soon as you are no longer attached to the tax household of your parents. These could still attach you if you were under 21 on January 1, or even under 25 if you are still a student (If you are a parent, see our dedicated article: Is it better to attach your adult children to their tax household or to pay them alimony?). If not, you couldn’t avoid filing income tax. “The subscription of the declaration of income before the deadline constitutes an important act in the life of every citizen, whatever the level of his income”, explained the tax authorities on his website. How should we proceed? The details depended on your year of birth. We will explain everything to you :

  • You are 20 years old and over, and you were still attached to your parents’ tax household last year: if you received a letter in April, you had to create your personal space on the tax website. Once online, the declaration could be pre-filled with amounts already known to the tax authorities. They had to be checked diligently.
  • You are 20 years of age and over, but you have not received a letter: in this case, you had to apply for a tax identifier. On the site, click on “You are an individual”, “Your request concerns access to your private space”, then “I do not have a tax number”.
  • You do not have Internet access or do not have the capacity to complete the income tax return online? In this case, it was necessary to obtain the form n ° 2042.

Have you noticed that your professional expenses are not covered with the standard 10% deduction? In this case, you can opt for the deduction of real costs. Mileage costs, meals … Keep in mind that the process can be long and tedious, because it implies that you have kept all the supporting documents. Read our dedicated article without further ado:
