Tax delegation, final go-ahead from the Chamber but the coverage issue remains

Fiscal delegation first go ahead to the Chamber expected for today

(Finance) – “I am very satisfied with the approval of the fiscal delegation. A structural and organic reform, which embodies a clear vision of development and growth and which Italy has been waiting for for 50 years. Less taxes on households and businesses, a higher fairer and more equitable, more money in the paycheck and lower taxes for those who hire and invest, simpler and faster procedures: these are some of the principles of a historic provision that will revolutionize the relationship between the tax authorities, citizens and businesses and that the Government will work to implement with the implementing decrees. A commitment made with the citizens that we have honored today”. This is how Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni comments final free pass to the draft enabling law on tax reform which arrived today in the Chamber of Deputies in third reading with 184 votes in favor 85 votes against. The provision, presented on 23 March, was dismissed in the first reading by the Chamber on 12 April and in the second reading with amendments by the Senate on 2 August. As promised by the government, the bill is therefore converted before the summer recess of the Parliament so as to be able to start exercising the delegation, which is valid for 24 months, already within this year with the passing of the first delegated decrees. The executive will have to deal with the resources available and in all likelihood the first measures to be implemented will be those that do not require coverage.

“Today’s approval of the fiscal delegation represents a historic result, we are facing an epochal reform that Italy has been waiting for for over 50 years – said the Deputy Minister of Economy Maurizio Leo –. First of all, I would like to thank the presidents of the Finance Commissions of the Chamber and Senate, Osnato and Garavaglia, the rapporteurs of the provision Gusmeroli, Sala and Zedda, as well as the technical offices of the MEF, the Chamber and the Senate, as well as all the parliamentarians who have contributed to improving the provision with constructive proposals and an attitude always geared towards making the national interest prevail. We will immediately get to work on the first implementing decrees”. “We have to change the face of the tax system, this is what we want to do, but without letting our guard down in the fight against tax evasion – said Leo in his speech in the Chamber on the delegation tax–. The two-year arrangement with creditors is not a gift to tax evaders, far from it: we have artificial intelligence, interoperability of databases and preventive analysis which we place at the basis of the fight against tax evasion. Even on larger companies, cooperative compliance is not a gift, it is to put companies in a position to have a more collaborative relationship”.

The bill consists of 23 articlesdistributed in five titles. Irpef rates – A revision and gradual reduction of the tax is envisaged: the first step is to switch to three rates, the final objective is the single rate. Thirteenths – For employees, the initial hypothesis of an incremental flat tax is skipped: in its place, a preferential taxation is introduced on overtime, bonuses and productivity bonuses. Biennial arrangement with creditors Here comes the two-year arrangement with creditors for VAT numbers and SMEs. In practice, the taxman will calculate the amount due for income tax purposes for the following two years: whoever accepts will not have any disputes about personal income tax and will be certain of how much he must pay. Instead, VAT must be paid. Ires, double subsidized regime – Alongside the ordinary rate (24%), two complementary advantage regimes are envisaged: the first reduces it to companies that use resources in investments, new hires or employee participation in profits; companies that do not benefit from the reduction can benefit from any tax incentives in the form of super-depreciation. VAT Review – A revision of the discipline is planned to make it more compliant with EU legislation. Among the possibilities there is also zero VAT for some basic necessities. Overcoming of Irap – The delegation indicates the gradual elimination of the regional tax on productive activities. Criminal shield – Eliminate the tax penal sanctions, in particular those connected to the unfaithful declaration, for taxpayers adhering to the collaborative fulfillment who have had “collaborative behavior and communicated in advance” the tax risks. Also in the ‘cooperative compliance’ (on which the delegation aims to reduce the access thresholds, now to 1 billion euro), administrative sanctions are excluded and the terms of forfeiture for the assessment are reduced for taxpayers whose management system certified by qualified professionals. The collaborative fulfillment regime, with the related reward effects, is also extended to Scrooges who bring their residence to Italy. Repayment times reduced to the virtuous – For taxpayers with high levels of fiscal reliability, premiums are strengthened, including the reduction of repayment times. Furthermore, the activities of certifying tax returns are encouraged; the proxies can be attributed to qualified professionals, even exclusively; tax obligations can also be fulfilled directly electronically; skip the overcoming of the Synthetic Reliability Indices (Isa). Payment of taxes with the rid – They expand into the forms of payment of taxes: even direct debit to the bank account or other electronic payment instrument. Payment in installments – Here comes the possibility of paying advances and Irpef balances by installments for the self-employed and individual entrepreneurs. Compulsory withdrawal – Skip the automation of the bank account foreclosure process. Dry coupon on shops – It is extended to properties used for purposes other than residential, provided that the lessee is an operator, a business, or an arts and professions activity. Towards the farewell to the super stamp – As part of the rationalization of micro-taxes, the possible progressive overcoming of the tax surcharge on motor vehicle tax for cars with power exceeding 185 kilowatts will be assessed. Tighten on e-cigs – The distance selling of nicotine-containing inhalation products or so-called nicotine puches is prohibited. Regional taxes – A revision of the rules of regional fiscal federalism is foreseen, attributing to the regions the sums by way of regional participation in VAT, applying the principle also to the recovery of tax evasion. Credits not due – A stricter regulatory distinction is introduced, including a disciplinary one, between the types of undue compensation of undue and non-existent tax credits. It will then be possible to evaluate the possibility of not applying penalties and/or interest if you have credits with the PA.
