Tax, Consulta del Caf: 21 million citizens from us for 730, increasing income and medical expenses

Tax Consulta del Caf 21 million citizens from us for

(Finance) – They are 21 million the people who in 2022 turned to Caf for the tax campaign 730/2022with an overall increase of 300,000 files compared to last year. The data was released by National Council of CAF, which has over 30,000 branches throughout Italy. “Also this year – he declares John Angileri, coordinator of the consultation – the fiscal campaign recorded very significant numbers. The increase in declarations compared to 2021 is the result of the quality work rendered to citizens and confirms our role, for the past 30 years, as intermediaries with the Public Administration, helping families to extricate themselves from the bureaucracy of our country “.

One of the most interesting data is the growth of income: “The Italians – explains Angileri – in 2022 declared an average of 21,512 euros, over 1,000 euros more than the 19,985 of 2021. The other data of the declarations are also significant: deductions on medical expenses are present in 68.4% of the models, up by more than 5% compared to last year, and theaverage amountwhich went from 892 euros in 2021 to 1,038 euros in 2022. School expenses (+ 1%) and those for sports activities for children (+ 1.2%) are also growing, while university expenses and rents of off-site students “.

CAF operators are also very busy on the issue of issuing Isee: “Applications are growing strongly due to the single check. In mid-October – explains Angileri – we have already exceeded 9 million cases, one million more than in all of 2021. We will reach 10 million by the end of the year, which means a management cost of 160 for Cafs. million euros. To date, the availability of public resources is stuck at 122 million euros, which do not guarantee the free service to citizens. The new government – concludes the coordinator of the Caf council – will have to take this situation into account. We are ready to talk to find quick and effective solutions together ”.
