Tax, Castelli: reduced VAT on baby products can be done

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(Finance) – “The subsidized VAT on children’s products is a goal that we can achieve, all together”. The Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance said this, speaking at the General States of Birth, Laura Castelli.

“By July we must indicate our priorities in Brussels, to outline the European VAT reform. We are working to ensure that among our priorities, that of Italy, there is the reduced rate on products for children. It is something that can be done “.

β€œIt can be done!”, Among other things, is the motto of the second edition of the General States of the birth rate at the start yesterday and until tomorrow at the Auditorium della Conciliazione in Rome.

“The theme of the birth rate it represents a real social emergency. It is not immediately perceptible, like other problems that occupy the news, but it is very urgent: fewer and fewer children are born and this means impoverishing everyone’s future; Italy, Europe and the West are becoming impoverished of the future. “Thus Pope Francis in the greeting sent to the participants in the second edition of the General States of the Birth.
