Tax, Accountants: appreciable measures in the corrective approved in the Council of Ministers

Accountants De Nuccio Changes to the crisis code are a

(Finance) – “Appreciable” measures on cooperative compliance, biennial composition with creditors and tax obligations, although “our hope is that further improving changes may arrive during the examination of the provision in Parliament”. This is the comment of the president of the National Council of Accountants, Elbano de Nuccioto the approval in the Council of Ministers of tax corrective decree.
De Nuccio underlines the implementation of some proposals put forward by the National Council on the subject of cooperative compliance, such as the non-applicability of criminal sanctions related to the crime of unfaithful declaration as well as administrative sanctions for those who voluntarily adopt the tax control framework certified by an accountant or by a lawyer.

“These are very appropriate innovations – he states – to make the regime even more effective, innovations which in no way can be read as a decriminalisation, simulations or fraud being expressly excluded, but they represent the logical consequence of the total disclosure of the tax position of the taxpayer towards theFinancial administration”. “Regulations have also been provided for the biennial preventive agreement – ​​he continues – simplification, in particular with regard to the payment of the second advance which may be made, for those who join, with flat-rate methods based on the difference between the agreed income and that of the previous period. Equally appropriately, as proposed by us, the inclusion of credit losses among the elements that reduce the composition income was foreseen”.

“The National Council – adds the National Councilor with responsibility for taxation and treasurer Salvatore Regalbuto – in the process of examining the draft corrective decree in the parliamentary commission, it will present further proposals including, in particular, flat taxation on the agreed-upon higher income and the extension to flat-rates of the bonus of exclusion from assessments based on simple presumptions already foreseen for ISA subjects”.

“Even in matters of rationalization of fulfillments – concludes Regalbuto – many of the proposals of the National Council were accepted, including the implementation of the deadline for submitting declarations on 31 October, a deadline which for the year 2024 will also coincide with that for possible membership of the Agreed preventive. From 2025 the deadline for adhering to the Composition with Creditors is set at 31 July, granting taxpayers an extra month for the necessary assessments. Also appreciable is the clarification that the payment of the 2023 balance and the first 2024 advance installment for the ISA and lump sum subjects can take place by 30 August with an increase of 0.4%”.
