TASS: Russia started looking for asylum seekers on trains going to Finland | Foreign countries

TASS Russia started looking for asylum seekers on trains going

Every day, dozens of freight trains crossed the border between Finland and Russia right at Vainikkala.

Russia started to check whether there are undocumented asylum seekers on freight trains traveling from Russia to Finland. About that news Russian news agency TASS, citing its law enforcement sources.

The news agency’s source said that Russia resorted to a new practice after the closure of Finland’s eastern border.

– In the past, there was no need for enhanced inspections of freight trains, says TASS.

Russian law enforcement sources also said asylum seekers could “hide between the carriages”.

The Vainikkala border station is currently the only operational checkpoint between Russia and Finland on the eastern border. Only freight trains move through it. Every day, dozens of freight trains crossed the border between Finland and Russia right at Vainikkala.
