Tasks: New chairman of IFK Norrköping kicks club director

The club is bleeding financially and recently reported a financial statement of minus 40 million last year.

At tonight’s annual meeting, Martin Gyllix was elected new chairman. According to information to Norrköping’s newspapers will be his and the partially new board’s first decision to clear the trail. And it high up.

The newspaper states that club director Michael Sturehed and CFO Cajsa Dahlberg may go.

Not saying nothing now

Gyllix did not want to comment at all after the annual meeting. Only after a member meeting on March 19 is he prepared to answer questions.

Last week, Michael Sturehed told the newspaper that five to six services will disappear because of the economic situation. He claims that he has not been notified of his future in the club.

– You ask a question just after completing the annual meeting here. I haven’t even been able to talk to my chairman, he tells Norrköping’s newspapers.
