Tasks: Government wishes to revoke citizenship

According to information to TV4 News, the government will proceed with the proposal to withdraw citizenship for gang criminals – despite disagreement in the Riksdag.
– It would be effective against, among other things, people like Rawa Majid, says a source for TV4 News.

Recently, the Constitutional Committee presented its conclusions about whether it is possible to withdraw citizenship. The proposal means that citizenship can be revoked if someone has deceived their Swedish citizenship or committed serious crimes against the security of the state, such as espionage. However, the time parties want to take a step further and also be able to revoke citizenship for gang criminals who have committed serious crime.

A little simplified, but a thread top abroad that orchestras murder, shootings and blasts on streets and squares, it will not be possible to take back citizenship from such a person given the delimitation made in this proposal, explains Justice Gunnar Strömmer (explains (Justice ( M) During a press conference earlier in January.

The Social Democrats have previously said no to the time parties’ proposals and considered that the writing was unclear.

In constitutional changes, it is tradition in the Riksdag that the parties achieve a broad consensus between the parties. But since the Social Democrats together with other parties in the opposition said no, this was not achieved. So the government is now choosing to proceed with the proposal despite the Social Democrats saying no to the proposal.

Effectively against Rawa Majid

According to information to TV4 News, a plan is currently working on how to proceed with “revoking citizenship for gang leaders and others who commit crimes that seriously threaten the vital interests of the state”.

In the spring, the government will appoint an investigation that will review what legislative changes are required. According to TV4 News, the Government estimates that “it would be effective against, among other things, people like Rawa Majid”.
