The MMORPG Tarisland wanted to do something good for its players and reduce waiting times. But instead of shorter waiting times, players now lag through the world.
What was the plan? The developers of Tarisland wanted to help players reduce waiting times. Players had previously complained about the waiting time, especially for older content or in regions like Latin America where there are not so many players.
The developers actually just wanted to help the players and simply connected the servers in Europe, America and Latin America. What initially sounds good, however, caused the biggest shitstorm since the release of the new MMORPG.
You can watch the trailer for Tarisland here:
Tarisland: Trailer for the global launch shows cinematic class action
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3 hours of shitstorm until the change
Why was there a shitstorm? The developers actually just wanted all players to be able to get into dungeons, raids and PvP with each other. But for players in Europe, that probably meant that the servers would be hosted in America from now on.
Shortly after the update, many players began to complain about poor pings. The update also destroyed the names of many players because the special characters were not transferred correctly during the server transfer.
The pings for players from Europe were consistently in the 100-200 ms range, as users on Tarisland’s Discord report. The update hadn’t even been announced, and when community manager Jeya published what the developers had done, a huge shitstorm began.
The developers ask for feedback and get it: In Community Manager Jeya’s announcement on Discord, she explained that the developers would listen to community feedback regarding the issue of shorter latency versus better pings.
The feedback was not long in coming and the post with the announcement received hundreds of thumbs down. In addition, the posts on the topic collected over 2,000 messages.
How did things turn out? Less than 4 hours later, the Jeya community responded and apologized to the players.
She announced on Discord: “We are very grateful for all your feedback. We deeply apologize for any inconvenience. […] We will be performing server maintenance from July 26, 2024 03:00 to July 26, 2024 06:00 to improve your gaming experience. In addition, the issue with the display of character nicknames and the network will be addressed and fixed.”
Meanwhile, the pings of players in Europe are back to normal. As compensation, all players received 600 time travel tokens via in-game mail, which they can buy for things like mounts, cosmetic items and silver. Players can also get other items by fishing. You can find out how to do this here: Tarisland Fishing Guide: How to get all the fish in the new MMORPG