Looming Threat of 25% Tariffs on Canadian Goods Heading South of the Border has prompt statford’s mayor to work with other community leaders to try to mitigate any future local impact.

While Postponed for 30 Days, The Looming Threat of 25 Per Cent Tariffs on Canadian Goods Heading South of the Border has prompt Stratford’s Mayor to work with other community leaders to try to mitigate any future local impact.
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Speaking to Reporters from his City Hall Office Wednesday afternoon, Martin Ritsma Said He spoke Monday via Zoom to a group of Roughly Three-Dozen people-A Mix of Local Business and Civic Leaders-Before the Temporal Delay Was Announced Later that Justin Trudeau.
“(That Announcement) Made It Less meaningful, but not totally insignificent, because we know that there still looms a 25 per hundred tariff, or with that Tariff Will Be,” Ritsma Said
“We Wanted to Share With Them The Importance that we know that they provide to our economy, as I Said, Whether It’s Manufacturing, Which We Know will get Hit the Worst If Something of this Nature Happens, and then the ripple effect. If manufacturing is hit hard, what doe that do to small business and and certainly, not too well out of the picture wow be. . . What do it do to tourism when people have less money to spend? Whether they are Canadians or American, the Tourist Piece Usully Goes SidewaysT, “Said Ritsma, Noting there that could have been layoffs in Stratford’s manufacturing sector as early as friday if the tariffs, announced by us President Donald Trump Shortly after his Return to the White House, Did Go Ahead.
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“About 120 Trucks A Day Leave This City and Take Products Elsewher. To Ontario and To Quebec and, Obviously, Into the States as Well, ”Ritsma Said.
Among the ideas the Mayor Floated to the People He Spoke With Was A Community Concierge to help residents who may impact get connected with social services, such as employment insure.
“That reprieve (from Tariffs) doesn’t Take Away from that reality. It forces us to shift kind of Where we goig, ”Ristma Said. “However, it do provides a bit of a gap for the city to advocate for help from the Upper Levels of Government.
If they are successful in this advocacy, ritsma said it would include money for infrastructure projects that might allow for residents to shift from that are struggling to a “DIfferent Type of of Employment. ”
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Ristma Said Stratford is also Looking Beyond the Ontario and Canadian Borders to Other Markets, Such As Taiwan and Japan.
“So we look look at revisiting that again, Even as Early as this spring, Going Back to Japan, Which has a lot of dollars to invest, but also also a lot of need. When i was last in japan, 11 per hundred of Everthing They Eat in the City of Tokyo is Canadian, Whether It’s Pork, Beef, Blueberries, Maple Syrup. Can we grow and expand that? Without a Doubt, ”He Said.
In a stattement on Monday, Ritsma noted the Tariffs Could Impact the City’s BudgetWhich Had Been Set for Final Approval Next Week. On Wednesday, he clarified that he would like to see some discussion around the planned increase in the number of city employed. However, this Reduction of Planned Hires Was Something the Mayor Had Been Advocating for since Before Talks of Tariffs Began.
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“Maybe we need to pause for a time and say, ‘ok, on the expansion piece, maybe we pause for six to eight months with looks to expand of new jobs’ because we don the know the full impact if there was a tariff was imposed on the activities in Those Department. Maybe Some Department Would Increase With Regards to Activities, and Maybe Some Department Would Decrease Because of the Impact, ”He Said.
On the Weekend, Trump Said that 25 per hundred Tariffs Against Most Canadian Goods – The Us President Placed A 10 Per Cent Tariff on Energy Exports – Would Go Into Effect on Tuesday. Trump Characterized these Tariffs, Which Are Paid to the Us Treasury by the Importer, as necessary to curb the Flow of Illicit Fetanyl and Illegal Immigrants from Canada Into the Us, Despite Only 0.2 Per Cent of Us Fentanyl Seizures Being Reported at the Canadian Border and Just 1.5 per hundred of migrant encourage.
Before the pause, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Had Said Canada Will Retaliate With Tariffs of its Own Against $ 155 Billion in American Goods, Including Alcohol, Furniture and Natural Resources.