Tareq Taylor exposed to serious threats: “Forced to call the police”

Tareq Taylor exposed to serious threats Forced to call the

Chef in “Trädgårdstider” as well as “Stjärnorna på slotlett”, Christmas host in SVT and own TV series in the form of, for example, “Tareq Taylor’s food trip” and “Drömlandet”.

Tareq Taylor, 54, was indeed everywhere for a few years. But recently the TV profile has taken a step back and it turns out there is a dark reason for that decision.

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Tareq Taylor was Christmas host in SVT in 2021. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT

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Tareq Taylor: ‘Sat in court recently’

In an interview with Aftonbladet, Tareq Taylor says that certain headlines in the media have made “less balanced people” known.

– There has been a lot in the last year and a half. There are people who have been after me and uttered strong death threats against me which has caused me to sit in court recently. Now this person is in a psychiatric ward, he tells the newspaper and states:

– I have been afraid of this person, because it led to us finally sitting in a courtroom.

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Tareq Taylor. Photo: Andreas Hillergren/TTTareq Taylor: “Had to call the police”

When Tareq Taylor is asked if he himself figured out who the person is, the TV chef replies:

– This person has been fully open about his identity. The reports did not actually come from me in the first place, but there has been vandalism at the restaurant, at my former home in Malmö, and he has issued death threats against me to people who have passed by on the street and who have reported him. I felt like I had to call the police because it was crazy.

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