Tarantino likes one of the most mocked superhero films at all – but didn’t want to turn it itself

Tarantino likes one of the most mocked superhero films at

Director Legend Quentin Tarantino is certainly not one of the people who run after trends. His love for B-Movies alone already testifies that he not only goes to the mainstream, but also His own view of things has. Whoever doubts that should see his films. However, when Green Lantern appeared on the list of Tarantino’s favorite films from 2011, many fans were confused.

Tarantino is apparently on superhero films – although he does not turn any

On the Tarantino Info website, fans of the director collect all kinds of information about him and interviews he gave. His favorite films from 2010 and 2011 were also published for two years in a row. On the list for 2011 there was a top 11 of the year and 18 other films, without a specific order. Overall, there were Four superhero films on the listalthough it made it X-Men: the first decision even made it into the top 11. It is surprising, however, that Green Lantern is also on the list, even though the film was a faster flop.

It is known that Tarantino is not averse to superheroes and comics. After all, the director wanted to make a superhero film himself in the 90s. In an interview with MTV from 2009, he also said that he Comic fan is and in its 20s would have liked to have made such films. Unfortunately, the large comic film boom only came when it had escaped the genre. Nevertheless, according to the interview, he was offered to make a green lantern film himself.

Although he didn’t want to make the film himself, he seems to be quite satisfied with the 2011 version. What exactly he likes about the film is not on the list and will remain a big mystery.
