Tappara’s surprise chain has reached the level of the Pelicans’ stars – an incredible turnaround can go a long way | Sport

Tapparas surprise chain has reached the level of the Pelicans

Ylen Jääkiekkierros follows all the final matches until the decision. Match setups are reviewed in the advance studio, which you can watch or listen to from Areena.

Before the start of the season, hardly anyone would have expected that in the spring Tappara’s hardest bite would form Oiva Keskinen20, and Petteri Puhakan23, led by a chain of three.

Keskinen’s inclusion in Tappara’s playing lineup alone was a surprise at the beginning of the season. The young center previously admitted to that he was also surprised by his place in the league team.

– I was just talking to my father, that if someone had said that I was in this situation right now, I would have rolled my eyes. It’s good that it went like this, Keskinen said before the start of the Junior World Championships.

Keskinen, who scored 27 points in the regular season, has led Tappara’s most efficient chain this spring with his seven power points. In total by Nick Halloran the completed chain has manufactured 23 points.

In comparison, the Pelicans’ star players, Ryan Laschin, Patrik Carlsson and by Lars Bryggman the trio formed has combined 27 points in the playoffs.

Almost the whole season together

Keskinen and Puhaka’s biggest reason for being in top form is playing together for almost the entire season.

– I would believe that it is the biggest reason why we have achieved the result. We know how each one plays. It’s gotten easier game by game, says Puhakka.

Ketju played a significant role when Tappara organized an unimaginable rise in Kuopio in the second semi-final match. Tappara was down 1-4 at the start of the final set, but in the last moments came back to win 5-4.

Ketju’s goal scorer Nick Halloran leveled the game in 55.59 from Puhaka and Keskinen’s preliminary work. A minute and a half later the chain was on ice again.

This time, Keskinen furiously fanned the hit that was the winning goal.

– It was a wonderful moment. That crowned our pursuit, Keskinen says.

– Throughout the series, I had watched that Pujut was open at the grocery store. When I got the puck, I knew right away that I was going to land there.

The match fueled the confidence of both the chain and the entire team. According to Keskinen, the rise from three goals behind says a lot about Tappara as a team.

– It was a big match and brought more self-confidence. It doesn’t matter if we’re behind by a goal or two, Puhakka, on the other hand, kicks.

Often in the story of the top teams, there is a single twist during the season that makes the group even more united. For Tappara, it could very well be a victory in Kuopio.

– It brings calmness and self-confidence to every guy, when we know that we can manage the games in the end.

Surprised with his skating

The chain fits Tappara’s playing style like a glove. His new coach Rikard Grönborgin under the leadership, Tappara changed his style of play to become more active and more powerful in his skating.

And according to Keskinen, skating is the strength of the chain.

– For all of us, speed and skating are one strength. Through that, we aim to get away and skate from under the opponent’s feet.

– We have often even managed to surprise the opponent’s players with our skating, Puhakka continues.

The last final games?

Despite his young age, the 23-year-old Puhakka has already been able to lift the Canada Cup twice at the end of the season.

Although Tappara has dominated the SM league in recent years, Puhakka knows that you have to be able to enjoy the final games as well.

– Who knows, these could also be the last final games. We have to remember to enjoy that we get to play such great games.

– However, you never get tired of winning. Rather, hunger grows when eating. After a couple of times, it’s great to have another chance to win again.

The program of the SM league finals

‘s advance broadcast starts at Areena 45 minutes before each match. On Wednesday, Radio Suomi is included from 18:02.

Sat 20.4. Tappara – Pelicans at 17:00, Areena

Mon 22.4. Pelicans – Tappara at 18:30, Areena

Wed 24.4. Tappara – Pelicans at 18:30, Radio Suomi and Areena

Fri 26.4. Pelicans – Tappara at 18:30, Areena

Sun 28.4. Tappara – Pelicans at 17:00, Areena (if necessary)

Mon 29.4. Pelicans – Tappara at 18:30, Areena (if necessary)

Thu 2.5. Tappara – Pelicans at 18:30, Areena (if necessary)
