Tapeworm (tapeworm): symptoms, stools, how to know?

Tapeworm tapeworm symptoms stools how to know

Also called “tapeworm”, it is a parasite that settles and grows in the small intestine of humans and can live there for 30 to 40 years. How do we catch it? What are the symptoms and above all the solutions to get rid of them?

Definition: what is a tapeworm?

This is a flat-shaped parasite (it looks like a ribbon). It settles in the small intestine, attaches itself to the walls and there absorbs a large part of the food ingested. He can live like this between 30 and 40 years old, and reach, in the human organism, a length of 10 m. It reaches its adult size in 3 months. There are different types of worms:

  • THE taenia saginata transmitted to humans through beef
  • THE taenia solium (armed tapeworm) is present in pork
  • I’hymenolepis nana mainly affects children and occurs in hot countries
  • THE fish tapeworm is caught by eating raw or undercooked fish.

In France, each year, 500,000 people are infected with tapeworms following the consumption of beef, more rarely after the ingestion of pork“, says Dr. Quillard.

In a large number of cases, the tapeworm infection is asymptomatic. But sometimes, it can cause certain symptoms:

  • An important weightloss
  • The eviction by the body of small rings, components of the worm. They then end up in stools, underwear, sheets…
  • A fatigue persistent
  • Of the nausea
  • A loss of appetite
  • Of the abdominal pain
  • Of the digestive disorders

​​​​​​Where can you catch a tapeworm?

There are two different ways to catch a tapeworm:
► By theingestion of raw or undercooked meat or fish infested with larvae.
► During collection of contaminated food by animal stools (fox, dog, cat, etc.), especially in the vegetable garden or by picking wild berries. All you have to do is bring your hands to your mouth without having washed them beforehand to be contaminated.
Some people are more at risk of catching it, says Dr. Quillard. This is the case of those who travel in developing countries because the sanitary standards are different, hunters in contact with game, lovers of beef or fish tartars as well as people immunocompromised“.

What are the dangers of a tapeworm?

Complications are very rare. It can be a appendicitis or bowel obstruction. “But contamination from the armed tapeworm (taenia solium) is potentially more serious: it can cause human cysticercosis, a serious disease because the worm is located in the brain. It can lead to eye and neurological disorders“, warns Dr. Quillard.

Is it deadly?

In most cases, no. contamination is not fatal. But if human cysticercosis develops, the condition can be fatal.

What is the treatment to get rid of a tapeworm?

“Once the diagnosis has been made thanks to ae stool analysis to detect the presence of the parasite and a blood test to count the level of white blood cells (sign of infection), the doctor prescribes deworming treatment to kill the parasite“, explains the doctor. Once dead, the tapeworm is passed through the stool.

Can he go alone?

“Unfortunately noassures Dr. Quillard. Medical treatment is required“.

A few precautions are enough to prevent contamination by a solitary worm:
Cook the meat well beef and pork, to kill any larvae
Wash your hands well before each mealafter each bowel movement and after touching the ground
Do not eat wild fruits and berrieswithout having washed them beforehand, at the risk that they have been soiled by an infected animal.
Prolonged freezing of around -20° for 10 days
Deworm your pet of company

Thanks to Dr. Monique Quillard, general practitioner.
