Tantine de Paris, the intrepid and stylish fashion of Mariana Benenge

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Dancer and fashion designer, Mariana Benenge intertwines the arts. Dance inspires her for fashion and fashion inspires her for dance. Originally from the Congo, now based in Paris, she created a brand driven by her history and cultural riches: Tantine de Paris. Inclusive pieces, extroverted fashion, a designer who shares her joie de vivre and celebrates self-acceptance.

I cannot live without creating. Creation has a central place because it’s my way of speaking, my way of saying what I want to say!

Mariana Benenge, creator of the Tantine de Paris clothing brand

Auntie from Paris? I act quite like an auntie, I’m very motherly, I take care of the people around me. I’m an aunty, very proud of it, and I live in Paris because Paris is the city of fashion, so I’m Paris’ aunty. »

Mariana Benenge was born and raised in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. She arrived in France at the age of 12. Touched by the art of dance, she takes lessons to improve. For her stage performances, Mariana Benenge always dresses to put on a show. She is a dancer, stylist and fashion designer all at the same time. Her inspirations: the 1970s, the Congolese women, her aunts. In 2019, she decided to launch a brand in her image with outfits to be seen. She likes to recover vintage pieces that she modifies to make studied, sophisticated pieces. Small capsule collections with pop, colorful colors, reflecting its originality. She designs a wardrobe that provides confidence.

This pride “to be stupid” because when I arrived in France I was not. I hid my accent, my style, everything I liked, the way I dress, the way my aunts dress, my mother. I wanted to hide it, I didn’t want it to be discovered. And to launch my brand is to impose it and say: “no matter where you come from, it’s your wealth and try to transcribe it through your art!” “explains the designer.

Auntie of Paris Collection

Mariana Benenge likes the elegance of Paris and the avant-garde of the Congo. She likes to live in her clothes without restrictions and proclaim the kinoise that is in her by the choice of materials. ” I love materials like vinyl, for me it’s an ambitious material! When you put on vinyl, you know people are going to say “wow” and that’s what I like. Then there is the color, the fur. I like its majestic side, prince, princess, this power side compared to the 1970s, this “I manage” side. Donna Summer, Diana Ross, these are show girls who inspire me. In the choice of fabrics I evolve, I work with new materials: velvet, imitation leather. It’s a new state of mind. I’m more into the details», concludes Mariana Benenge.

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