Tanning industry, Mise: “Ten million euros for innovative and eco-sustainable investments”

Bosch Todde goal of safeguarding the occupational perimeter

(Finance) – Starting from 10 am on 15 November, companies belonging to a tanning district on the national territory will be able to request non-repayable grants for the realization of investment projects linked to the innovation of products and production models, even in a perspective of eco-sustainability and circular economy. This is what the dDecree of the Ministry of Economic Development establishing the deadlines for the submission of applications relating to the facilitation measure introduced by Minister Giorgetti in the Sostegni bis decree and which provides for the disbursement of non-repayable grants of 10 million euros for the tanning industrya sector particularly damaged by the Covid-19 emergency.

The concessions are eligible overall expenses not less than 50 thousand euros and not more than 200 thousand euros, for the implementation of investment programs with a high innovation and sustainability content, including industrial research or experimental development activities. The maximum threshold of eligible expenses rises instead to 500 thousand euros for integrated district projects that have certain characteristics.

In order to facilitate the submission of applications, companies will be able to start pre-filling the forms as early as 10 am on 8 November. The measure will be handled by Invitalia on behalf of the Mise.
