Tania Gomez, Victor Miah, and Dominik Nirberg are wanted

Three Swedes are among the most wanted in Europe.
Cocaine wholesaler Victor Miah, 33, is new to the “most wanted” list – and is considered dangerous.
– These criminals flee from country to country, says Europol head Catherine De Bolle.

Three Swedes, Tania Gomez, 31, Victor Miah, 33, and Dominik Nirberg, 27, are part of the European police cooperation Europol’s list over Europe’s most wanted people in 2023.

Tania Gomez is wanted for serious drug-related crimes and serious money laundering and has been on the run since March 2021, when she became a criminal suspect in connection with the crackdown on the exchange office World Exchange in Stockholm.

Gomez is connected to a criminal network in Stockholm and her role has been to deliver and transport large amounts of drugs and money, according to Europol.

Founder of dog rescue organization

Before the crackdown on the exchange office, Tania Gomez had not been suspected of any crime and according to The evening paper She is the founder of a dog rescue organization.

Europol writes that the 31-year-old was probably involved in a network of illegal animal ownership and their transport abroad.

Dominik Nirberg is wanted, suspected of having organized extensive drug trafficking in central Stockholm. The crime is classified as serious, as it was part of an activity that was conducted in an organized and large-scale manner, writes Europol. Nirberg has been wanted since November 2021.

Coca wholesaler

Victor Miah is described as one of Sweden’s biggest cocaine wholesalers and is new to the list. Miah the only one of the three Swedes that Europol considers dangerous.

The 27-year-old is suspected of having been involved in gross and organized drug smuggling. “Particularly large quantities” of cocaine and cannabis have been shipped to Sweden with the intention of conducting large-scale drug trafficking, according to Europol.

According to information to The Express Victor Miah was arrested last year in Bulgaria but managed to bribe his way free.

– Cooperation between EU countries and between EU citizens is crucial in the hunt for wanted criminals. These criminals flee from country to country trying to elude law enforcement. By quickly going through our list, you can help us save potential future victims, says Europol head Catherine De Bolle in a comment on Europol’s website.
