Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold has had heart problems before.
In Norwegian Ingrid Landmark at Tandrevold had heart problems in yesterday’s Biathlon World Cup Kontiolahti 12.5 km race. He tells about it in an interview with NRK.
Tandrevold was fighting for the top positions until the problems started in the second prone shooting.
– I had problems with my heart lying down. It made shooting difficult and time consuming. The problems did not end completely after the shooting. It was difficult to ski as fast as I would have liked.
In the fourth round, Tandrevold was the second slowest out of 99 competitors.
– I had to stop, calm my pulse and use the techniques I’ve learned, Tandrevold said.
– Now I’m fine. It happens quickly and passes quickly
Tandrevold has had heart problems before in the Games.