Talouslehti ranked Finland last in a comparison of 35 countries and sent a blunt message: “Put your kalsarikännit” | Economic

Talouslehti ranked Finland last in a comparison of 35 countries

The prestigious economic magazine The Economist ranked the countries based on inflation, GDP, jobs and stock market.

– Drown your financial sorrows in kalsarikänn, urges Finns a respected British financial magazine The Economist in its economic comparison.

Finland came last in The Economist’s recent country comparison, where the paper ranked 35 countries based on general economic indicators. The comparison was made based on this year’s development of inflation, gross domestic product, jobs and the stock market.

Other sad ones are e.g. Sweden, Iceland and Austria.

According to the Economist, Finland’s ranking is especially affected by high inflation and falling stock prices.

Greece is on top again

Brittilehti’s list is topped by Greece for the second year in a row. According to the Economist, it is a significant result for a country that until recently has been known mainly for its bad governance.

Brittilehti separately highlights the Greek stock market: the real value has risen by more than 40 percent. According to the magazine, South Korea, ranked second, has kept prices under control, and the third-placed United States did well in terms of both GDP and employment.

At the end of its article, the British newspaper urges Finns to take their kalsarikäns and the rest of the world raise a glass of ouzo to Greece, which won the comparison.

– While underperforming Finns can Console themselves this Christmas by Drowning their Sorrows in their underwear (or getting päntsdrunk, as it is known locally), the rest of the world should raise a glass of ouzo to this most unlikely of champions.

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