Talking too much about your ex could put the brakes on a new relationship

Talking too much about your ex could put the brakes

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    A new study conducted by the dating site happn reveals that for 18% of French people, talking about their ex too much would kill love.

    Avoid talking about your ex if you want to seduce someone. This is revealed by a survey carried out by the French dating application happn. Among bad love experiences, infidelity and unrequited love come first, mentioned by 32% of respondents. Lying follows with 27% and ghosting with 8%.

    But, “what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger” said the philosopher Nietzsche in 1888. For one in two bachelors, these disillusions have made it possible to learn lessons. “It is important to emphasize that each difficulty allows us to gain in maturity and to be able to define more clearly what we are ready to accept or not in a future relationship”comments Claire Rénier, head of trends at happn.

    Lack of conversation can ruin a date

    For the first date, do we have the right to make mistakes? “The tendency is rather to indulgence when it comes to the first date: a crush that would arrive late or be too shy does not seem to be enough to describe the date as a failure”, says the study. However, singles spot three love kills. The lack of conversation is a “no-go” for 27% of respondents as well as a “too big physical difference compared to the photos” (26%). At last, 18% of respondents don’t like their crush talking a lot about their ex.

    Do not panic, if the first date is not a success. More than one in two singles (61%) say they are ready to give a second chance for a second date.
