Taliban bans TikTok and popular PUBG online game – ‘It prevents young people from being misled’

Taliban bans TikTok and popular PUBG online game It

TikTok and PUBG have been important to many young Afghans since the Taliban rose to power in August and banned many other forms of entertainment.

The Taliban, which dominates Afghanistan, has announced a ban on the video-sharing service TikTok and the popular PUBG online game.

In addition, the movement said it is banning TV channels from showing programs that show “immoral material.”

The Taliban justifies the ban on the grounds that it is “to prevent young people from being misled”.

Taliban spokesman Inamullah Samangani did not specify how applications and TV channels mislead young people.

Nearly two-thirds of Afghanistan’s 39 million people are under the age of 26. The use of the Internet has become widespread in the country, with an estimated 9 million Internet users.

This is the first time the Taliban has denied the app.

After rising to power, the Taliban movement, known for its strict interpretation of Islam, promised to respect human rights and civil liberties.

In addition, the movement has banned music, movies, and soap operas on television, for example.

It has forced citizens on state payrolls to raise their beards and prevented women from traveling by taxi for more than 70 miles without being accompanied by a male family member.
