Tales of Sabaudia, 2023 edition dedicated to Maurizio Costanzo

Tales of Sabaudia 2023 edition dedicated to Maurizio Costanzo

(Finance) – Twenty years ago, in July 2003, the first edition of the Tales of Sabaudia as a literary forge, a virtual stage on which excellent and emerging names, as in a great show, gave life, through narration, to the characters of their stories. Maurice Costanzo, to whom the book is dedicated this year, he was one of the authors in the 2005 edition with his story reproposed in this edition to remember him a few months after his death.

The book, edited by Mary Costiciwith prefaces by president of the Lazio Region Francesco Rocca and ofCouncilor for Culture Simona Renata Baldassarre, printed on ecological paper with a limited edition of twelve thousand copies, it is divided into two sections, only the second of which is in competition with thirteen emerging authors who will compete at the tip of the pen leaving the readers of the beaches the task of voting for their favorite story, also using aapp created by Esri Italy, leading company in geospatial solutions, which, by exploiting geolocation, will allow readers to take and send their souvenir photos with the book, both in Italy and around the world thanks to Rome airportsand to vote for the favorite story of the second section in the competition.

A jury of honour composed chaired by president of Coni Giovanni Malagò will complement popular judgment. THE Tales of Sabaudia, the most read book in the clouds thanks to Rome airportswill be given as a gift starting from 21 August to passengers departing fromLeonardo da Vinci International Airport and from 12 August it can be collected free of charge at the factories in Sabaudia and other towns on the Lazio coast from Gaeta to Civitavecchia, indicated on the social media pages of Facebook and Instagram.

The editorial project enjoys the Patronage of the Lazio Region, and is supported by Enel, Esri Italia, Varigraphic Alto Lazio, Consorzio Mare Pontino And by the Venus cultural association.

But also many short stories from the first section out of competition will keep readers company during the holidays: the stylist Guillermo Mariotto focuses attention on cyberbullying in schools with the story of his sweet Stella; Emile Albertariohistoric voice of GR2, relives the hectic days of one of RAI’s most glorious newsrooms through the unforgettable Gianni Bisiach and Rino Icardi; Lavinia Orefici journalist specializing in the Royal Family instead makes us fly to London amidst the splendor of the coronation of King Charles III. Only the director’s imagination Luca Verdone he could evoke and bring together the spirits of the Count of Cagliostro and the sorceress Circe on the beach of Sabaudia; Elvira DeLeone Rebecchini instead, he opens the doors of his Sangramore home to the memories of a lifetime. Maria Corbi, correspondent of the newspaper La Stampa, faces the drama of Alzheimer’s; from the journalist’s pen Roberto Arditti, here is Nicola, a young barman from the Rome of the powerful, guardian of a secret explosive.

There section “Beyond a reasonable doubt”, dedicated to “noir” recalls two of the most media-related crimes, that of the Countess Ludovica Filo della Torre, signed by one of the best-known names in crime news, the journalist and writer Massimo Lugli; and the other, which has now become a diplomatic case, the life sentence for murder of the Italian Chico Forti in America, told with all its shadows by the criminal lawyer Vincent Rienzi.
