Taken with the James Webb Space Telescope: “The Car Wheel Galaxy”

James Webb Space Telescope vs Hubble Space Telescope Galeri

James Webb Space Telescope with this time “Car Wheel Galaxy” A breathtaking photo was shared.

10 billion dollars James Webb Space Telescope (James Webb Space Telescope), started to work to shape our perspective on the world of science and the universe, and in this context, we came across many photographs last month. removed. Located at the center of discoveries that have opened our horizons for years Hubble Space Telescope continuing the mission started with JWST, Of course, it can take much clearer and most importantly detailed photos than HST. You can see the quality difference it creates directly in the photos below. JWST, this time in Turkish Car Wheel Galaxy passed as The Cartwheel Galaxy with our photo. In the photo you see above, much more detail has been obtained than the photo taken with Hubble years ago.

on Wikipedia Car Wheel Galaxy The following statement is made for:The Wheeler Galaxy (also known as ESO 350-40) is a lenticular galaxy located approximately 500 million light-years away in the constellation Sculptor. It is approximately 150,000 light years in diameter. The galaxy, with an approximate mass of 2.9–4.8 × 109 Solar masses, rotates at 217 km/s. The Cartwheel is one of the best-known ring-type galaxies. It is surrounded by a larger disc that extends up to twice its diameter. With these dimensions, the Car Wheel reaches 2.5 times the size of the Milky Way.

Its magnificent ring shines with young, bright stars, most of which are 5-10 times the mass of the Sun. Rod-shaped structures of older stars connect its bright ring to an older ring surrounding the galactic centre. While the Wheel of Cartwheel was an ordinary spiral galaxy, it gained its present appearance about 200 million years ago, when a galaxy pierced its disk triggered by rapid star formation. It appears to be at the beginning of the stage of reclaiming a normal spiral galaxy structure, with arms extending out from the central core.”

Comparisons of photos taken with JWST and HST:

The Carina Nebula (Hubble above, James Webb below)⇓

Southern Ring Nebula (Hubble on the left, James Webb on the right)⇓

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Stephan’s Quintet (Hubble on the left, James Webb on the right)⇓

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SMACS 0723 Galaxy Cluster (Hubble left, James Webb right)⇓

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We have mentioned the JWST before, it was a frightening situation that brought it up before them, which was reported to have happened in May. A larger-than-expected hit to the important telescope, according to NASA researchers. micro meteorite crashed and left visible damage. Despite the damage to one of these 18 different mirror segments, it was stated that JWST continued to operate without any problems and no problems are expected in the future. According to the researchers, only some fixes will be required because of this situation and this will not be a big problem.


JWST, according to NASA’s statement will remain in office longer than expected. behind this Ariane 5 It includes a very precise take-off. It is said that thanks to this precise takeoff, the telescope does not need many positioning firings or maneuvers. Thanks to this James Webb Space Telescope It contains more fuel than the first accounts. Thus, the working life of the JWST is according to scientists. 10 years past.
