Taken from young mice and transferred to old mice! surprising result

Taken from young mice and transferred to old mice surprising

The study, in the journal Nature, determined that a protein in the cerebrospinal fluid of young mice may help increase cells that maintain brain function.

The research team transplanted cerebrospinal fluid from young mice directly into the brains of the elderly. This has been noted to increase the conductivity of neurons in aged mice, thereby improving the recall process.


Stating that the cerebrospinal fluid is a mixture of essential ions and nutrients necessary for normal brain development, the researchers point out that this is an indicator of brain health. But as mammals age, there are some changes in the composition of the fluid, and this change can affect memory-related cells.

Neurobiologist Maria Lehtinen from Boston Children’s Hospital in Massachusetts, USA, stated that this study is quite exciting from the perspective of basic science and emphasized that more studies should be conducted.
