Take possession of the secrets of futsal in less than ten minutes – the ABC of football opens the game concisely

Take possession of the secrets of futsal in less than

The ABC of football prepared by Urheilu’s expert Antti Pohja opens the different stages of the game in a suitably simplified, but above all understandable way.

Soccer is a game played by two teams on a rectangular grass field. The idea is to get the ball over the opponent’s end line, inside the goal frame located in the middle of the end line, and prevent the opponent from doing the same.

The first part examines the game from the point of view of goal-scoring situations and assists on the one hand, and defending these situations on the other hand.

A – scoring

Where should you try to paint? What about goalscoring, which area opens up the most fertile goalposts? And on the other hand, is it ideal in terms of the end result to always aim for the areas with the best success rates, or is it sometimes worth trying something else?

The purpose of part A is to make you think about the nuances of goal scoring and assists and help you recognize these situations during the match.

B – structures

Part A focused on scoring and passing goals and defending these aspects of football. Before this, however, there are stages in the game where you have to succeed. In the opening, building and breaking phases of the game, everyone has their own task.

The closer you get to the opponent’s goal, the fiercer the resistance often becomes. The purpose of part B is to help you detect different levels of pressing in the match, breaking the defensive shape and creating space in the build-up phase, and different ways to break in behind the opponent’s defense.

C – special situations

The basic stages of the game have already been covered in parts A and B. The variables discussed in Part C often decide matches. These on the one hand surprising and on the other carefully planned situations create a completely different threat and opportunity to the flow of the game.

The purpose of part C is to help you observe from the matches how the teams look for attacking positions for changes of situation, i.e. stealing the ball, and what kind of practiced patterns the teams have plotted for special situations.

The Football ABC series can also be found in Areena.
