An exploit has spread in the sandbox MMORPG Ashes of Creation that gave players unfair advantages. The developers made short work of it and deleted over 100 characters. There was also a warning that should wake up the players.
What kind of exploit was that? An update has added the ability to reproduce items in Ashes of Creation. Since the game is still in development, only a few testers have access to the MMORPG. But some of these testers shamelessly took advantage of the situation:
Since the team says they work hard and fast, it didn’t take long for a response to the exploit to follow. The developers have now taken strict measures to eliminate the exploit and its consequences. And the exploit users were really lucky.
Ashes of Creation can be found in the following trailer:
Ashes of Creation Alpha Two Freehold Update
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Ashes of Creation developers use everything related to the exploit
What are the consequences? The development team deleted all materials resulting from the exploit. Legendary equipment made from such materials was also mercilessly removed from the game.
Emergency elections were even initiated in the hubs as there were buildings constructed using duplicated supplies or the money created from them. The players themselves who took advantage of the exploit were probably the worst hit: their characters were deleted without replacement. Over 100 characters have been removed by the developers.
Anyone who got the items produced by the exploit through an exchange or by chance was lucky. For these players, only the materials in question were removed. However, the gold was set to 0 for those who made money from the exploit.
Why is the crackdown so harsh? Although the game is still in the development phase, the developers signal that they don’t have fun with exploits. Creative Director Steven Sharif writes in a message that he has warned several times in the past (via Reddit).
The fact that over 100 players were deleted is just a warning. He himself has been banned from games several times and therefore probably knows best what it feels like to lose his account. You would be on the safe side if you did not exploit the exploit and instead reported it to the developers.
Ashes of Creation relies on some innovative ideas. If you don’t know the game yet, you can get an idea of the sandbox MMORPG in the following overview on MeinMMO: Ashes of Creation: Release, Roadmap, Alpha 2, Classes, Gameplay, Payment Model – everything you need to know about Steven Sharif’s MMORPG