Dijksma puts pressure on Ravine Year: Cabinet must come across the bridge
“It cannot be that the government wants us to perform certain tasks, but does not want to pay for them,” Dijksma said about that earlier. Today, as chairman of the…
Dijksma: municipalities go to court if the government does not “pay what is necessary”
“It cannot be the case that the government wants us to carry out certain tasks, but does not want to pay for them,” Dijksma said. A committee is investigating the…
Growing youth care costs threaten to come at the expense of swimming pools and libraries
According to Utrecht municipalities, how the financing of youth care is currently arranged is untenable. If more money is not provided quickly, facilities such as libraries and swimming pools may…
Sufficient improvement at Hamber Zorg, stricter supervision ended
The young people in the institution also indicate that they have noticed improvements and are satisfied with this, according to the inspection. “Hamber needs some more time to show that…
Young people in De Bilt are in youth care twice as often as in Montfoort: ‘The law must be clearer’
In a 2019 report, the NJI mentions a number of reasons for the increasing use of youth care. Young people do not have more psychosocial problems, but they do more…
Major differences in youth care use by municipalities, De Bilt in the top 3 nationally
De Bilt is also in the top three nationally of municipalities with the most youth care. Only in Tiel in Gelderland and Veendam in Groningen is this even more so.…
Utrecht wants fewer children to be removed from home
The number of out-of-home placements of children in cases of problems in a family must be drastically reduced. This is what alderman Dennis de Vries writes in his Youth memorandum…
Library closed, or property tax increased: Utrecht municipalities struggle with government plans
Next year, Dutch municipalities will receive less money than they expected, because the government has taken 675 million euros from the municipal fund. The following year, 2026, is also called…
More tasks, less money: dissatisfaction among Utrecht municipalities about Budget Day plans
Next year, Dutch municipalities will receive less money than they expected, because the government has taken 675 million euros from the municipal fund. The following year, 2026, is also called…
Utrecht wants fewer children placed outside the home
The number of out-of-home placements of children in cases of problems in a family must be drastically reduced. This is what alderman Dennis de Vries writes in his Youth memorandum…