Tag: Wow
Blizzard changes the rule for WoW Classic Hardcore to prevent the end of onlyfangs, but the planning only one last raid
The Blizzard developers first revitalized in large numbers in the history of WoW Classic Hardcore. Among them are many Azeroth-Recken from the well-known streamer guild only. Update from March 28,…
After 20 years I play a healer in WoW for the first time – the depths are to blame
With the new depths in World of Warcraft, Cortyn dares to heal for the first time. And that was surprisingly solid, because Blizzard did a good job. With the second…
WoW players want free playing time because of LAGs-but that would be exactly the wrong solution
Many fans of World of Warcraft are just frustrated. It lay and gives connections. You challenge free season – but that’s rather unlikely. If you are looking at World of…
A hardcore guild that made WoW on Twitch again is in the end
The streamer guild ONLYFANGS from WOW Classic’s hardcore variant announces their end after several fatal wipes in the Pechschwingenhort. For months she had almost solved that World of Warcraft was…
WOW has now punished 12,000 cheaters and has publicly pilloried its names
What do you do with players who have demonstrably used unauthorized cheats in an MMORPG like World of Warcraft to get an advantage? Distribution and distribute the sholled performance and…
While Azeroth is on the verge of destruction, WoW fans flock into the taverns
Amazingly many players of World of Warcraft spend part of their free time in the Tavern Azeroths to indulge in the role -playing game, enjoy social interaction and recharge their…
Player from WoW shows how to play dungeons and raids in 2005
Do you remember how groups in the Raids and Dungeons from WoW distributed different tasks and priorities 20 years ago? How do you do that back then? In many dungeons…
With this MMO mouse on offer I celebrated countless successes in WoW!
Do you want to exploit your maximum potential in MMOs? Then you need a mouse that is good and here the Corsair Scimitar RGB Elite is one of your currently…
Wow shows the house – and it is 100 % wild star
World of Warcraft has revealed new details about the upcoming player-hoousing. Some veterans immediately recognize: The Wildstar system was almost 1: 1. One of the greatest announcements by World of…
Blizzard’s boss opens the door to the second movie to Warcraft or a WoW series like Arcane
Blizzard has had a new boss for a year: Johanna Faries actually comes from Call of Duty. In a new interview, she now opens the door into another movie or…