Tag: world
China and Qatar, at the center of the sporting world in 2022
The first major sporting event of 2022 takes place in China with the Winter Olympics in Beijing, from February 4 to 20. At the end of the year, Qatar will…
How much fresh water is there in the world?
Covering about three quarters of the Earth’s surface, water, a priori, is not lacking on our planet. Unfortunately, most of this water is salty and cannot be directly exploited by…
Covid Map: France, World, Travel, Europe
COVID EPIDEMIC CARD. The coronavirus epidemic continues to grow around the world through the spread of the new Omicron variant. Map of the epidemic in France, contaminations, in Europe in…
30 years ago, the advent of a new world order
Thirty years ago, to the day, Mikhail Gorbachev resigned and hastened the end of the Soviet Union. A collapse whose geopolitical consequences will be immense. With the end of the…
Abnormally high temperatures around the world for Christmas
No white Christmas in the plains this year, neither for France, nor for the United States, but rather a green Christmas … or yellow, depending on the degree of drought…
“Microphotography”, the hidden and fascinating world of Marek Miś
The beauty of the world does not stop at the idyllic landscapes of some postcards. Not even to animals frolicking here and there. Or even characters with a bewitching aura.…
Covid Map: France, World, Travel, Europe
COVID EPIDEMIC CARD. The coronavirus epidemic continues to grow around the world through the spread of the new Omicron variant. Map of the epidemic in France, contaminations, in Europe in…
What are the causes of the second world war?
In 1939, countries expected war to be imminent. The cause of the Second World War is to be found in the diktat imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. The growing…
Christmas 2021 promises to be unusually hot in the world
No white Christmas in the plains this year, neither for France, nor for the United States, but rather a green Christmas … or yellow, depending on the degree of drought…
Here is the longest flexible battery in the world: 140 meters!
Researchers developed a lithium-ion battery in the form of an ultra-long fiber that could be woven into fabrics. It could also serve as a structural battery for vehicles. You will…