Tag: workplaces
Sex workers positive about plan for workplaces in Paardenveld parking garage
“Paardenveld parking garage as a possible location for sex workplaces is perfect in our opinion. It is right in the center: there is a lot of movement and all kinds…
New protocol with Inail: the government focuses on safety in agricultural workplaces
(Finance) – “An agreement will be signed soon new protocol with INAILa further step forward in our actions to prevent accidents and promote safety in the workplace, strengthening collaboration between…
Four-day weeks are now to be tested in Swedish workplaces
After several years as a manager, Anna-Carin Alderin became interested in the labor market of the future and caught sight of “4 Day Week Global”, a non-profit organization that collaborates…
The discrimination ombudsman on banning home languages in workplaces
After SVT reported on a site manager at a taxi company who demanded a total ban on speaking the home language during working hours, we spoke with Clas Lundstedt, press…