Tag: websites
Edge: Microsoft has a trick to better protect you on sensitive websites
Microsoft has unveiled a new feature on Edge Canary, the latest experimental version of its web browser, aimed at testers. This feature allows browser extensions to be paused when browsing…
Why Version 100s of Chrome and Firefox Might Crash Some Websites
Developing software with a minimum of bugs is not easy, especially because you have to look ahead, and above all anticipate potential future problems. But the developers of Firefox and…
With some basic technical knowledge, you can easily modify the hosts file on your PC or Mac to block access to certain websites from inexperienced users, such as children.
With some basic technical knowledge, you can easily modify the hosts file on your PC or Mac to block access to certain websites from inexperienced users, such as children. Summary…
Are you a fan of dark theme and looking for a solution to display all websites in this mode? The Dark Reader extension, available for Chrome, Firefox and Safari, is for you.
Are you a fan of dark theme and looking for a solution to display all websites in this mode? The Dark Reader extension, available for Chrome, Firefox and Safari, is…