Tag: waste
Circular economy, Realacci: “Italy superpower in the EU in waste recovery but can do more”
(Finance) – Innovation has “an important role” for the economy and Italy “does not start from scratch” but can be considered a “superpower of the circular economy”. It is what…
Upcycling food waste into poultry feed
News Published on 02/24/2023 at 2:30 p.m. Updated 02/24/2023 at 2:30 p.m. Reading 2 mins. While from next January 1st, all French people will have to have a compost bin,…
Zocherpark yet again included in research Utrecht into new location of waste containers
Utrecht – The municipality of Utrecht is once again looking for a place for the glass and waste containers on the Tolsteeg barrier. These were supposed to be in the…
Report: Much of used clothing donated to Kenya ‘plastic waste in disguise’
“The Global North is using the sale of used clothes as a pressure relief valve when dealing with fast fashion’s huge waste problem,” states a recent report. A third of…
Party for the Animals: Rat must not fall victim to Utrecht waste strike
Party chairman Maarten van Heuven believes: “Many people thought the rats that came to the waste were “irritation factor number 1”. This is not the opinion of the Party for…
Pests enjoy waste strike: ‘Currently irritation factor 1 in the city’
Utrecht – Bags of waste and bulging containers, it is part of the street scene of Utrecht this week. The strike of garbage collectors creates a lot of mess. This…
Household food waste continues to decrease
We continue to throw away less and less food. Swedish households’ food waste was 15 kilos per person in 2021, a decrease of two kilos from the year before. The…
More and more waste in the center of Utrecht, markets continue as usual
The markets in the city, such as Friday at the Vredenburg, can continue as usual. The municipality has urged the market vendors to clean up their rubbish afterwards. The municipality…
At the Relais Val-de-Seine sorting centre, a second life for clothes
/ Podcasts / Report France As the winter sales end and our closets fill with new clothes, the unwanted items in our wardrobes often end up in the household trash.…
Garbage containers are getting fuller and fuller: Utrecht (76) tackles waste mountain with a vacuum cleaner
The hard work does not go unnoticed. “Thank you Jean!”, shouts a lady who passes by. “Yes, that’s sweet,” says Jean. “That’s Monique from the flat. She also knows how…