Tag: walk
In this new kind museum, we literally walk with the feet on the ceiling
In this temple of illusion, an experience of stunning weightlessness defies the laws of gravity. If there are more and more interactive museums where reality is turned upside down, immersion…
No more steps: here is the number of minutes to walk per day for the heart
It’s less than we thought. It is commonly advisable to take 10,000 steps per day to benefit from many health benefits. This idea has its origin in a marketing campaign…
Children walk around without shoes
Share-Arrowela UNSaveSpara Chevron-Left prejudice Expand-Left Full screen Chevron-right In the northern parts of Gaza, the destruction is almost total according to Save the Children. Image from February 10. 1 /…
Father and daughter take a night walk for ALS research
Need money for research If is a deadly muscle disease, the cause of which is still unknown. The money from the loop mainly goes to the center (part of the…
Thijmen is Nacht painter: ‘You walk out the door and discover the mystery’
There are no people in the paintings of Thijmen, but people are in it because of the artificial light he paints. “The question is: how do you as a human…
The woman who could not walk for 11 years went to Adana and rebelled: “My mother was bedridden, she would fall when she got up from her bed”
63 -year -old Naze Ülgen, 11 years ago due to hernia and canal stenosis due to the hospital surgery had been applied for treatment. However, Ulgen, who could not walk…
Avowed players managed to walk on the water
The Bristling Frost spell discovered in Avowed allows players to walk on the water for a short time. Developed by Obsidian Entertainment Avowedoffers many different features to players with the…
Do you have to walk or run in the rain so as not to get too wet? Everyone is wrong, but science is formal
The rain is very frequent in France this year and it only takes a short time to find yourself soaked. This is why we often have the reflex to run,…
It’s the best time of the day to go for a walk and get as much benefits as possible
Walking has a double benefit: it’s excellent for physical and mental health. Despite winter, cold, rain, walking remains a gentle and accessible physical activity that should not be overlooked. It…
Here is the ideal length of a walk to stock up on vitamin D in winter
Cold, dry weather is ideal for walking and boosting your immunity. Vitamin D is essential for the proper functioning of our body because it participates in the mineralization of bones,…