Tag: volcanic rock
MORB: what is it?
The term MORB, for Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalt (basalt mid-ocean ridge, in French) refers to basalts with the typical chemical composition of those formed at ridges. In particular, they make up…
OIB: what is it?
The term OIB, for Ocean Island Basalt (Where basalt of an oceanic island), refers to basalts having the typical chemical composition of those formed at the level of hot spotsor…
Pozzolan: what is it?
Pozzolan is a rock of volcanic origin, friable and not very dense, of composition essentially basalt. The term comes from Pozzuoli, an Italian city in the region of Naples where…
Andesitis: what is it?
Andesites are part of the large family of volcanic rocks. Of color Light gray that can go to black, andesite has a microlitic structure, which means that the majority of…