Tag: Venier
Venier (Snam): increase in LNG from the USA is an opportunity, a liquid market is competitive
(Finance) – “The energy system is fragile because, looking at traditional supply opportunities, the three most important countries, namely Algeria, Norway and Azerbaijan, are supplying us to the maximum of…
Venier (Snam): essential storage flexibility with a less predictable energy market
(Finance) – “The energy market remains uncertain not only due to geopolitical tensionsbut due to the intrinsic volatility of energy and gas prices, with an effect exacerbated by the growing…
Snam, Venier: ready to enter Adriatic LNG, calm about Antitrust for Edison assets
(Finance) – “Come on Adriatic LNG there is an agreement made with the current shareholders, so in the event of an extraordinary operation we will have theoption to increase our…
Snam, Venier: interest in Edison storage assets
(Finance) – Snam is interested in Edison’s storage assets. He confirms itCEO, Stefano Venier in call with analysts on first quarter results. “I confirm that the company is interested in…
Snam, Venier: M&A if opportunities arise in Italy
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – snam may consider theBUT “if non-organic opportunities arise in the gas infrastructure business with a clear focus on national market“. He stated this Stefano Veniermanaging director…