Tag: Veegdienst
Trade union in conversation with Utrecht about anxiety culture at Veegdienst
After publishing the article about the anxiety culture at the cleaning service, RTV Utrecht asked for interviews with the alderman and with the municipal secretary who is responsible for personnel…
Open racism near Utrechtse Veegdienst evokes shocked reactions on: ‘there are pattern’
“There is no place in our city for discrimination, certainly not with the municipality that has an exemplary function,” says Ilse Raaijmakers (PvdA). “This is not an incident, but a…
Response Municipality of Utrecht to anxiety culture at Veegdienst: ‘Not belonging to us’
Response Municipality of Utrecht All employees of the municipality of Utrecht deserve a safe and pleasant workplace. Situations where people feel unpleasant or unsafe, as described in the article, do…
Anxiety culture at Utrechtse Veegdienst, managers share racist pictures in app group
“I still have nightmares about my work,” says Amir*. He works at the Neighborhood Maintenance and Service department of the municipality of Utrecht where there is an anxiety culture. Employees…